50 research outputs found

    Wawasan al-Qur’an tentang Pendidikan Karakter

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    Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa esensi pendidikan karakter menurut al-Qur’an ditemukan dalam berbagai klausa ayat yang menggunakan term khuluq, al-birr, al-khair, qaulan kariman, qawlan layyinan dan qawlan ma’rūfan. Eksistensi pendidikan karakter perspektif al-Qur’an sepenuhnya merujuk pada kepribadian Rasulullah saw yang mengutamakan nilai-nilai kebaikan melalui langkah-langkah strategis, yakni menerapkan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter secara informal,formal, dan non formal di lingkungan pendidikan. Urgensi pendidikan karakter menurut al-Qur’an, disebabkan terjadinya krisis akhlak dan berkurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terhadap ajaran agama yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kebaikan dan kebenaran. Output pendidikan karakter dalam al-Qur’an adalah pewujudan akhlak mulia yang melahirkan moral dan etika sekaligus. Ini tergambar pada karakter seorang muslim yang beriman dan bertakwa sekaligus muhsin

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Prasekolah Melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Alat Peraga Busy Book

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    Pengabdian ini berbentuk pelatihan pembuatan Alat Peraga Busy Book yang bertujuan untuk melakukan pemberdayaan konseptual dan teknis terhadap Masyarakat Prasekolah yang ada di Kota Palopo. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan di Auditorium IAIN Palopo Jl. Balandai Wara Kota Palopo melalui beberapa tahapan pelaksanaan, antaralain: (1) tahap persiapan; memilih mahasiswa sebagai pendamping dan menentukan guru dari berbagai sekolah target (2) tahap pelaksanaan; melaksanakan pelatihan pembuatan Busy Book dan (3) tahap refleksi; melakukan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan pelatihan. Dalam pelatihan ini, sebanyak 20 Guru TK/RA di Kota Palopo terlibat sebagai peserta pelatihan selama 2 hari yang dibimbing untuk membuat alat peraga Busy Book dari pemateri kompeten. Alat dan bahan yang digunakan antaralain: Mic, speaker, LCD Proyektor, gunting, jarum, lem bakar, benang, kertas, dan kain planel. Dari hasil analisis data penilaian prakarya dan keterlibatan peserta pada proses pelatihan diperoleh rata-rata jumlah peserta yang membuat Busy Book sesuai kriteria sebanyak 17 (85%) peserta dan sebanyak 18 atau (89%) peserta telah terlibat aktif dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan

    Application of Principal Management to Improve Teacher Performance during the Covid 19 Period in Elementary Schools

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    This study aims to: 1) find out the principal management program in improving teacher performance during covid 19 learning at SD Negeri 030 Sabbang Loang, Baebunta District, North Luwu Regency, 2) find out the application of principal management in improving teacher performance during covid 19 at SD Negeri 030 Sabbang Loang, Baebunta District, North Luwu Regency, 3) knowing the results and evaluations faced by teachers during the learning process on covid 19 at SD Negeri 030 Sabbang Loang, Baebunta District, North Luwu Regency. The research method uses a qualitative approach; this type of research uses descriptive research. For data collection, researchers used interviews, documentation, and observation. The results of the problems obtained by researchers are as follows: 1) the principal management program in improving teacher performance during the covid 19 period, the next program carried out by the school is offline to provide convenience to students who do not have technological equipment such as android phones or networks. This program is carried out during the pandemic so that the learning process can continue to run well. The Education Office has created a program during the pandemic to make it easier for students and teachers to carry out the distance learning process. 2) Implementation of principal management in improving teacher performance during covid 19, the management process carried out by school principals through several stages as follows: a) planning b) implementation and c) supervision. 3) Results and evaluations faced by teachers during the learning process in covid 19

    Counteracting the Social Media: The Role of Islamic Education Teachers' at SMAN 4 Tana Toraja

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    This study aimed to analyze social media use in students and map Islamic education teachers' role in counteracting social media's negative impact on students at SMAN 4 Tana Toraja. This research uses a qualitative approach; The research subjects are the principal, Islamic Education teachers, students, and other teachers. The data collection technique involves observing, interviewing, documenting, and data analysis techniques with three stages: data reduction, data display, and data verification. The result findings on the research that social media use has their views, but most students use social media as a tool to get updated information, both related to education or outside education. Social media's impact also depends on the students; if the students use social media for good acts, it will positively impact, but it will impact negatively when the students use it in criminal activity. Islamic education teachers at SMA Negeri 4 Tana Toraja responsibility for providing understanding to the students about the impact of using social media. The responsibility of Islamic education teachers manifested in the character formation of students with noble character. Another finding is that the teachers must be able to divide their time to organize their roles properly. All forms of academic administration are expecting to immediately address so that the teacher's role problems can run optimally. the recommendation about the research is that students' use of social media must also go through the parent's and teachers' collaboration supervision empowermen